Building kit storage
There are a number of important procedures and recommendations in regards to the delivery and storage of your steel building kit. For those who intend on storing their kit for an extended period before construction, it is advised that extra care and caution are taken.
There are a number of important procedures and recommendations in regards to the delivery and storage of your steel building kit that you need to be aware of.
Upon delivery, the driver must have access to the site to allow placement of the kit. Where possible it is desirable that the building is placed within 5 to 6 meters of the building pad to minimise double handling. It is important to allow for access around the building during construction.
The steel building kit and its various sections must be laid on a level and flat plane. The following recommendations and precautions must be taken into consideration:
- Any Doors should be handled with care and if possible kept away from the main kit in a dry location.
- It is particularly important with cladding that it is placed on gluts or suitable timber dunning to avoid the cladding from contacting mud or water. Stacks and piles of cladding have a capillary action and will suck up mud and water, denigrating the cladding surfaces.
- Do not use steel to support the section packs as different types of materials will cause surface corrosion problems with cold form components.
- Ideally the kit packs should be covered if they are not going to be used in the near future.
- Ensure there is adequate drainage under the raised packs to void ponding.
- Rainwater goods such as finishing’s and gutters need to be handled carefully as they are easily damaged.
- Bolts and screws should be stowed in a dry spot to prevent fixings from rusting.
- Where PVC Vermaseal has been specified, to prevent the risk of distortion, this product must be stored away from heat and sunlight until installed.
Several safety issues are as follows:
- The roller doors are marked "Handle like Eggs" which means they are easily damaged, they are your responsibility to handle in such a way to prevent damage occurring.
- Removal of the retaining straps releases pressure. If the steel building kit is not on a level site it can be unstable and can result in damage to the kit and or persons in close proximity.
- Slipping or rolling packs can cause crushing injuries.
- The kit should have a perimeter barrier to avoid injury from sharp edges.
- If a kit has been left for some time, particularly in a rural setting, be aware that pests such as snakes and venomous spiders may have taken up residence.
Plans and construction manuals have been emailed to you and are also available through our client portal. Please ensure this is passed on to your builder. It is in your best interest to follow the instructions and recommendations outlined.
For additional information on the care and storage of BlueScope Steel coated steel products on your site prior to installation, please download Technical Bulletin 7 (May 2019).