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What you need to know about Wide Span Sheds

Wide Span Sheds is one of the country’s leading suppliers of quality steel buildings. We have sold thousands of sheds to Australians across all industries, and we have been doing so since 2000. Here are just a couple of other reasons why you should inves...

What you need to know about Wide Span Sheds
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Why should i buy with a ShedSafe accredited company

In the past decade there have been more rogue-shed operators than you could count on two hands. When it comes to a structure like a steel building, you should only expect the very best quality.

Why should i buy with a ShedSafe accredited company
Article-Images Be-the-sharpest-tool-in-the-shed-banner

Be the sharpest tool in the shed

We brought the shed to declutter because I love my tools and my wife was sick of them lying around the house!

Be the sharpest tool in the shed
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Most common questions for new shed buyers

Unlike Wide Span Sheds who use Australian BlueScope steel, some suppliers may use imported steel for their buildings - which could affect the strength of the building. The team at Wide Span Sheds also provide accurate quotes using on-site engineering – s...

Most common questions for new shed buyers
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Design criteria and how it affects your shed

When you purchase a steel building kit from Wide Span Sheds, we need to make sure that it is engineered specifically for the site you intend to build on. You see, a building as big as a garage or farm shed can be quite unsafe if it hasn't been designed s...

Design criteria and how it affects your shed
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Are steel shed kits easy to erect?

Wide Span Sheds has been a leading Australian supplier of quality steel building kits for over 14 years. Our steel buildings have many applications including garages, farm sheds, stables, arenas, barns, kit homes and industrial buildings. A large number ...

Are steel shed kits easy to erect?
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3 Top sheds for agriculture

Australia has a thriving agricultural industry that is responsible for a large portion of Australia’s revenue. Our farmers are not afraid of hard work, and they often invest in some seriously valuable machinery and equipment. That’s why at Wide Span Shed...

3 Top sheds for agriculture
Global-Modules Shed-Buying-Process Global-Modules Shed-Buying-Process

Your guide to the shed buying process

Getting a shed is easy once you understand the steps involved! We've broken down everything you need to know in our Shed Buying Guide. Simply fill out your details and we'll shoot through a copy to your email.

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