Meet Frank Ashman
Frank and his wife Lynn moved to the Darling Downs several years ago with their Santa Gertrudis cattle farming operation in tow. First up, they built themselves a Wide Span Sheds Machinery Shed.
Meet Frank AshmanFrank and his wife Lynn moved to the Darling Downs several years ago with their Santa Gertrudis cattle farming operation in tow. First up, they built themselves a Wide Span Sheds Machinery Shed.
Meet Frank AshmanAs a Wide Span Sheds customer for over 15 years, Michael’s world was rocked when an electrical fault in his four-wheel drive winch ignited a fire that went on to destroy his four-wheel-drive and the shed it was housed in.
Meet Michael BakerWide Span Sheds has been supplying premium steel kit buildings since 2000. We have invested millions of dollars and invaluable time into research and development, to deliver buildings that last. Here are just a few of the reasons why our designs continue...
Long live the shedKen’s not your average type of guy. A gold prospector, timber merchant, and overall handyman who thinks building a Wide Span Sheds kit is a lot like putting together a giant Meccano set. These are just some of the reasons why he qualifies as a Wide Span ...
Meet Ken CowdenPat’s not one to let age, health issues (or anything else for that matter) get in the way of getting the job done. These things are just minor setbacks, and why we think he’s a bit of a legend…
Meet Pat StephensA steel garage is a Class 10a building, which effectively is a non-habitable building. As garages can be large structures, if you are planning to build in a built up suburban area then chances are you will need to apply for council approval before you ca...
Council approval in Australia for steel garagesConsidered one of our most popular buildings in the rural garage and workshop range, the ‘Double Lock it Up’ is a great steel building for the serious workman.
The famous double lock it up garageWide Span Sheds are proud to be part of the ‘4 Kids and Carers Future Foundation’ by donating a shed to support the Wangaratta children who tragically lost both their parents in tragic circumstances on Anzac Day in 2017. ...
Proud supporters of the '4 Kids and Carers Future Foundation'Getting a shed is easy once you understand the steps involved! We've broken down everything you need to know in our Shed Buying Guide. Simply fill out your details and we'll shoot through a copy to your email.